Double Door

Released: 03.12.2021
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Hi I‘m metty, I love cats and composing sad pop songs late at night. When I started writing, it was just me and my guitar in my room. From never showing anybody any of my songs, I went to releasing my first EP to creating songs with a team of producers. Still every song is written by me in my bedroom, the place where it all started.

I wrote double door as a birthday present for someone very close to me. Although it’s not a very happy song, I wanted to thank that person for guiding me through my childhood. It also helped me to cope with my family situation, something that was and is very hard for me to put into words.

Produced by Yannik Obel & Gyso Hilger
Recorded by metty
Mixed and mastered by Gyso Hilger
Artwork by Pauline Zankel

© Nektarium Music 2021