Things to Tell a Crying Girl

Released: 20.03.2020
GWEN DOLYN things-to-tell-cover.webp

Gwen Dolyn is an independent singer who mixes mewing guitars behind her post teenage lyrics. Next to lyrics about love and loss, she sings about ambivalent feminism and everlasting yearning.

Born in Berlin, she spent eight years looking for freedom and music there, interrupted by some time on the East Coast of the US where she started her first published project. In these Berlin years she wrote not only lyrics but also theses for her philosophy studies and articles for independent and lifestyle magazines. She illustrated and fought with herself and sometimes with others as well. By now Gwen Dolyn has decided to escape the city hype about the German capital and is receiving inspiration in nature, on animal noses and in inside the bristly hair of her friends.

With her EP "Things to Tell a Crying Girl" she is releasing her solo debut, which aims to capture, unite, question and continue all these topics.

Produced by Gwen Dolyn & Gyso Hilger
Mixed and mastered by Gyso Hilger
Photography: Jan Ehlers

© Nektarium Music 2020